Storms That Deliver | Pastor Demond Hammond

Dominique WilliamsSermons

Pastor Keion Henderson is the lead pastor of The Lighthouse Church in Houston, Texas Lighthouse is an organization that serves the body of Christ through our 5 pillars. We always ANTICIPATE a move of God in every experience, so we constantly set a great ATMOSPHERE, and we ACCEPT everyone through love. We believe the best way to impact people is by being AUTHENTIC to who we are and by taking ACTION to move everyone towards greater.

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Autogenerated Transcript

Pastor Demond (00:00:03):
Lemme introduce you to my father. I believe that we owe God a praise besides if you watching us online. I want you to wake everybody up in your house and tell them we are not going to be defeated. Hallelujah. Go tap on the dog cage and say, dog, you are not going to be defeated. Hallelujah. Glory to God. I want you to text somebody right now, it’s not too late to share this broadcast and text them and say, defeat is not your testimony. Oh God, look at your other neighbor because they’re going to get it this time and tell the neighbor. Defeat is not your testimony. Not your testimony, but what is is? Victory. Victory. Victory is mine. Victory is mine. Victory today is mine. I tell Satan, get me behind me. I told Satan, get me behind because victory, victory, today. Today, not tomorrow, not next week. Hallelujah. Not five days from now, but somebody shout, victory, today is mine. Victory today.

Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Victory. And the reason why I can say that victory is mine today because I told Satan not only to get me behind, but I told him, you’re going to get where you belong and that’s under my feet. Who am I talking to this morning that the enemy’s been on your shoulder and he been talking to you, but you need to remove the money and say, Satan, no longer are you going to be in my ear. No longer are you going to be in my ear about what I ain’t going to do. The devil is a liar because I’m put you under my feet where you belong. I’m going to step on you, devil. I’m going to walk on you and I’m going to give God praise. If you believe that, come on and give it one last. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Feel God. Hallelujah. We certainly honor the presence of God in this place. If you’re watching us online, welcome to the Lighthouse Church where the atmosphere shifts. Oh God, if you’re watching us online, welcome to the Lighthouse Church. We’re one church, five campuses, but every campus we go to, we expect a shift. Our day to put your hand. Hallelujah. Hold on, hold on, hold.

Speaker 2 (00:02:59):
Lemme teach this right here. See, I came up, the first car I learned to drive with wasn’t an automatic. It was called a manual, a gear shift, and my granddaddy took me out in the field and he said, son, I want you to learn how to drive this manual. Hallelujah car. You got to understand there’s a difference between an automatic and an manual, an automatic shifts for you. Hallelujah. Glory to God. But when you get your hand to hold of a gear shifter, that’s a manual praise God. That means you got power to shift into another gear. And who am I talking to? This place this morning that you’ve been at a place where you have not seen the spirit of acceleration to hit your life. I want you to put your hand on that gift shifter and I want you to end the spirit realm to begin to shift into another gear. God told me to tell you, things are about to shift in your life. If you believe that, give God praise. I see you in your living room. Come on shift. Come on. I feel a shift in the spirit. Come this atmosphere. I feel Ajah I a shift.

I got to contain myself. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. But this is what happens if you’ve never been to the lighthouse church, this is what happens when you come here. The atmosphere is shifted. You come in one way, but you leave out another way. You come in broke, but you leave with money. Hallelujah. You come in sick, but you leave out with the healing. You come out single and you leave with a boo. Hallelujah. Glory to God. I dare you to give God praise in this place and tell him, tell God I thank you God. I thank you for the ship. God, I thank you for this breakthrough. God, I thank you for what you’re about to do. You Jesus, that eyes have not seen. Thank you, Jesus ears have not heard. Thank you and neither has it to the heart of man when God has for you.

Now, while you’re praising, come on, let’s celebrate the visionary, the leader, our founder, our senior pastor, pastor Keon Henderson. Come on, let’s send a shock wave, a continental shock wave and let our leader, hallelujah, lady Shawnee, know that we love them and we are concerned about them. Come on, let’s give God praise for our leader. Hallelujah. Hall, while you got standing, go with me to the book of Acts chapter 27. If you can contain yourself, acts chapter 27, hallelujah. I’m going to give y’all, I’m give y’all a little time. Im Acts chapter 27. Hallelujah. We’re going to read this. Hallelujah in the King James in the King James version. Hallelujah. By the time we get to verse 25, I think they’ll be ready for that. Tyrone Acts chapter 27, hallelujah and verse 21, but it says, but after a long abstinence, Paul stood forth in the midst of them and he said, SIRS, you should have harkened unto me and not have even loose from Crete to have gained this harm and loss, but now I exhort you to be of good cheer.

I’m here to tell somebody prophetically, hallelujah that you’re about to have good cheer. Hallelujah. Glory to God. He says, you shouldn’t have left but even though you did leave, you’re about to have good cheer. He says, but a harken unto me. Listen to what I have to say for there shall not be any loss of any man’s life among you. Nobody around you is going to die but of the ship. Hallelujah. Glory to God. There’s some things that’s going to break around you. Hallelujah, but you ain’t going to die. There’s some things that’s going to be left behind, but it’s not going to affect you. Hallelujah. He said, verse 23, for there stood by me a night at night, an angel of God that even though I’m on the wrong place, I’m the right person on the wrong ship.

Some of you are the right person on the wrong ship. You’re the right person in the wrong relationship. You’re the right person. Hallelujah. In the wrong situationship. But the Bible says an angel came to Paul at night. He says, whose I am and who I serve saying fear not Paul, thou has to be brought to Caesar and lo God have given thee all them that sails with you. Are you hearing what I’m saying? The angel told Paul, don’t be scared because I’m about to give you what God has for you and everybody that’s with you is going to be saved. I’m here to tell you today that because of you, your whole household is about to see change. Hallelujah. Glory to God because of you, your whole bloodline is about to be purified. Who am I talking to this morning? Hallelujah. Somebody shot because of me.

Hallelujah. Hallelujah. He says, where for? He says, where for in verse, hallelujah. He says, where? For hallelujah. Glory to God. He says, where for? Oh my God. He says, where for sirs? Here it is. Again, be of good cheer. God is trying to let you know that you’ve been in a downtrodden place far too long and this is your moment of joy. I didn’t say happiness, I said joy, hallelujah. Because weeping may endure for anight, but joy comes in the morning. I didn’t say happiness because other people can take away your happiness. You can lose something and your happiness is gone, but this joy I have, the world didn’t give it to me and the world can’t take it away. He says, be of good cheer. He says, I believe God. That’s three words right there that you need to put in your vocabulary. You can go home and write it on your mirror with lipstick.

I believe God, hallelujah. I believe God. You need to put it on a post-it note and put it on your dashboard. I believe God while I’m driving down the road. I believe God, watch this, that even it shall be as it was told me, how be we must cast upon a certain island. You didn’t get excited where I wanted you to because where I wanted you to get excited was the word wherefore, because wherefore is a word of transition. In other words, it connects to events where Paul was, he was a prisoner on a ship, but the angel told him, wherefore, hallelujah, you will be saved. I want to declare and decree to you watch this watching this morning that God is giving me a word to give you right now a where for word that where you are is not where God has for you to go. If you believe that, come on and give God a praise right now and somebody shout, wherefore, wherefore. And so if I use for a topic of our discourse this morning, it would be storms that deliver, storms that deliver. You may be seated.

This message this morning, God gave it to me and it is designed for those who of us who are strong. This message is designed for those of us who are consistently the strong people in our friendship circle. If I had a witness this morning, you would just agree with me that you are the one that is always strong for everybody else. Now, I’m not being exclusive in this discourse, but I’m bringing inclusive because there’s always the strong one of the bunch, and God told me to tell you this morning that this message is for those who are strong for everybody else when everybody else is weak for you, this message is designed specifically for those who of us have consistently gone through one thing after another and have not seen the manifestation of God. So we find here in the text, as we look at the permia of this passage of Acts chapter 27, we understand that acts is the dispensation or the release of what we call the Holy Spirit.

The Bible says in Acts chapter two that they were in one room, in one place, in one accord and suddenly there came a rushing wind and it filled the house where they were sitting and the Bible says there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and it’s set upon them. This is the same place where the church was birthed at Corinth because we find now they have not only embarked into a new horizon and season, but they’re doing it with the power of the Holy Spirit because Christ has now left and gone to be at the right hand of the Father. We find the center character of this passage, a man by the name of Paul whose name of course his across his journey of life was once called Saul. And to understand this passage, I’ve got to take you through again the pmy of this text to understand fully who Paul was that before Paul was Paul and before you or you and before I was demand that there was a part of me that many of you may not even have known or experienced.

And so Paul was in his former life, was known as Saul. He was known as the Bible proclaims a persecutor of the brethren. He was known as one who was against some of the practices of Christianity and he was one that persecuted the church people. You ever been in a place in your life when it seems as if you are on the place that God is moving you to? There’s always some goody two shoes that want to make you feel as if God is not moving on your life. I need a talk back church this morning. If you’re watching us online, I need you to put something in the chat because I can feel your spirit that Paul on his life was a persecutor of the church because Paul had not yet experienced the full power of God. And you got to understand my friends, that there are times in our life that God wants to use you just like you are.

Yeah, your hateful God wants to use your hatefulness. That sometimes you got to understand that yeah, you’re coming to church, but there’s a part of you that still has an addiction that God wants to set you free from, that you’re coming to church and you’re raising your hands, but yet there’s some a soul tie that’s still connected to you that you need deliverance from. But God says, I need you to come with your authentic self because your authentic self is the one that I wanted to use. Paul was that guy. He began to find out who God was for his own life. And let me tell you, my friends, that you too got to find God for yourself. You can’t find the God of your mother. I know your mama prayed for you and that’s good, and they brought you up in the admonition of Christ, but you got to find God for yourself.

You got to find God that in the midst of almost having a nervous breakdown that you can call on the name of Jesus, that in the midst when somebody left you for dead, that it was the name of Jesus that allowed you to survive this. I dare somebody to call on his name because at the mention of the name of Jesus, every need must bow and every tongue confess that Paul, even though he was a bad man, and I’m not talking about bad as in good, bad, he was a bad man. Paul was bad like my grandfather was before he got saved. His name was Morris Douglas, but people around him called him MD for short, but the MD wasn’t his initials Morris Douglas, they called him Mad Dog because my grandfather was known as a mean man. He was one of those grandfathers that you just didn’t play with anybody had one of them granddaddies, they did the world for you, but you better not play with ’em.

Don’t touch their stuff, don’t go in their room. But that was okay. My grandfather had this mindset that he was the living epitome of a bad man. As a matter of fact, he escaped imprisonment because he had an altercation with somebody and the altercation didn’t go well and there were some weapons that were drawn and the altercation ended up in a bad situation and he went the next morning and enlisted and went off to service and went off to the war. He goes through life serving his country and comes back home to get a good job, but he’s still a bad man. He’s angry. He’s always hostile. I can never forget my grandfather sitting at the table drinking his scotch and we’re in the other room and I never forget, my grandmother was always one to push his buttons. You always got some of people in your family that just know how to push your buttons.

Anybody got some of those people, come on, I need to talk about you. I need you to walk with me here. And so my grandfather is sitting there minding his own business and my grandmother is in the other room pushing his buttons and we can’t see him. And all of a sudden she says the right thing to trigger him. And in about two and a half seconds he goes from the kitchen to the other room and before he can get there, he’s now drawn out a knife and is at her throat. I’m talking about a bad man. So growing up in my life, I experienced trauma like most of you have, but I experienced it in a way that caused me not to doubt God, but to understand that God has something greater for me than what I was seen, that God had something that was greater for me even though that I was a young boy and I thought that even because she was pushing his triggers, it was funny.

I really didn’t understand the gravity of what was going around me, that I was in an abusive situation that at a moment’s notice that it could have went another way and my grandmother could have been laid there dead because of the mishandling of the knife against her neck. Aren’t you glad that God delivered you out of some traumatic situations? Who am I talking to this morning that you can identify with me that you’ve gone through some hellacious things, that you’ve gone through some trials and tribulations and it had not been for God who was on your side? I don’t know where you would be. I thank God for that. And so I remember my grandfather now finding because my mother gets saved and because he starts going to church now he’s turning his life around and I’m giving God praise for it. And even though he’s turned his life around, he’s a master at what he does. He’s a machinist and God blesses him in his hands and prosperity has hit his house. They open up businesses, but even though he’s prosperous and has all these things, my grandfather can’t read.

I remember even helping him how to read books and he starts reading the Bible and in a very short period of time he goes from illiterate to reading the Bible from front to back many times forward. Let me understand and let me let you know this morning that where you start is not where you’re going to finish. That even though you may be lacking in one area, let God get ahold to you and baby, let me tell you, God can do something that only God can do. God can take you from not being able to know how to read to be able to read every pit of the Bible. God can take you from not having nothing and put something in your hands. Who am I talking to this morning? You said, I thank God that where I started is not where I’m going. So I liken my grandfather to Paul because he had what was called a conversion experience and Paul was on his road to this place called Damascus and he’s riding this donkey and as Paul was writing this donkey, there appeared an angel before him and tells him, Paul, you got to stop doing what you’re doing.

See, you don’t need a preacher to be up here telling you about what you’re doing. There is an experience that you’re going to get with God all by yourself in the closet while you’re trying to figure out what you’re going to wear this date. And all of a sudden you just start crying and you call and text him and say, I ain’t coming today. I can’t do brunch this morning because you’re going to have your own experience with God at your own time. You don’t need somebody to be in your ear telling you what God has for you because God is trying to speak to you all by yourself on this road to Damascus. Paul is now seeing this angel and he begins to have a conversation with Paul and let him know that Paul, you must stop persecuting the church and believers, let me tell you that you are in the same place that God is trying to have this conversation with you to let you know that things in your life must change and you are a part of that change, that the things that you have been doing that are not lining up with God, there has to be change.

But let me tell you that even though change must happen, God is with you all the way that even though change may seem like a lofty goal, that God is with you all the way to help change to happen for your life. It was after this road to Damascus that Saul’s name was changed to Paul and now who was once a persecutor of the brethren who was once a person that was fighting in church is now a person that’s preaching in the church. Isn’t that good news that God can not only change your name, but he can change your status? I’m prophesying to somebody right now that not only is God changing the synonymous things of your name, but God is about to change your status. Yeah, you’ve been single but you’re about to be married. You may have been broke, but now you’re about to have some prosperity.

Glory to God. Somebody shout God is changing my status. But I’m here to let you know that although God is doing all these great things in your life, they don’t come without storms. And many of us, we think that because we step foot in the church or now because I’ve acknowledged myself as a Christian and now I’m saved and even set free and even healed and even feel with the Holy Spirit that all my problems are gone away. But my friends, let me tell you today that there are storms that God wants to continue to use to help you along your journey. That Paul, even though his name was changing, now he’s preaching and teaching that Paul is healing people and doing things in the name of Jesus that even as a place where he heals a man that could not walk, the people didn’t like what he was doing and they stoned him to death, they left him for dead.

And now Paul is on the run and he’s on the run going from city to city, preaching the good news of Jesus and doing everything that God wants him to do. And he finds he’s at a place where there’s a girl that was demon possessed and he begins to pray and allow that girl to be set free, healed and delivered and the people around him didn’t like him and they threw him in jail. Let me tell you right now that there are some people who around you that don’t want you healed. There are some people around you that they don’t want you hold there. There’s some people around you that they really ain’t celebrating the fact that God has blessed you with a new house. That’s why they don’t even want to come. There’s some people around you that don’t want to be friends with you anymore because God then bless you with a boo.

Hallelujah. Come on, talk back to me this morning. But you got to understand it doesn’t matter who’s for me is more than the whole world against me. I wish I had a church this morning that you would save this morning with a loud voice. God, it doesn’t matter who’s not by me as long as you’re right by me. Watch this. They threw him in jail and the Bible says not only he’s in jail, he’s with his friend called Silas, and the Bible says that they put him in the uttermost parts of the jail and they lock him up, both him and Silas, they chain their arms, they chain their feet, but the one thing they didn’t have control over was their voice. And the Bible said they begin to sing praise and give God the glory. And around about midnight, some things happen in a tight space.

Sometimes things happen at the fourth quarter, the Bible says at midnight they prayed and they sang praises and the jail begin to fall. What if I were to tell you this morning that even in a place of imprisonment, in your mind, in an imprisonment, in your finances, in an imprisonment on your job, God told me to tell you, your breakthrough is through your praise. Your breakthrough is through your voice. Your breakthrough is giving God the glory even in a tight place, even when you can’t move. The one thing that they had was their praise. The Bible said Is summoned an earthquake? Oh God, I feel God in that moment that God through your praise and earthquake is about to ship your atmosphere that through your worship and earthquake is about to open some doors for you. And not only did it open the doors for them, but every prisoner in the jail got free.

What if I were to tell you today that because of your praise, not only are you about to walk out, but your whole family’s about to walk out. I wish I had a witness this morning. Not only are you about to have what God promised to come into your hands, but I had to prophesy right now that everything that was supposed to come to my great-grandfather is about to come in my hands. The prayer that was about to happen to my auntie that I never saw come to pass or about to come to pass in this season, somebody shout, it’s about to come to pass. So now Paul is on the run tour. Y’all got that in the spirit, right? He’s on the run going from city to city and going from city to city and preaching because everywhere he goes, although there are people ready to receive the good news, there are people who are not ready to receive it.

And you got to understand that no matter who’s not ready for your deliverance, as long as you’re ready, that’s the only person that needs to be ready. The Bible says that when they get to Ephesus, they leave there and they go to Corinth and they leave there, they go to Galatia, they go there and they go to Greece and they find themselves at Jerusalem and now they get arrested for causing a mob because now there’s yet somebody else that Paul is now influencing to be delivered. And you got to believe today that you have not only power, but you have influence over everywhere that you go. And let me tell you and encourage you that some of you feel as if you don’t have influence because you’re not what’s called an influencer, but let me prophesy to you. But you have influence because there are great things that God has deposited inside of you before you are formed in your mother’s womb.

God implode influence inside of you before your mother got with your father. He put influence inside of you for a time such as this, somebody shall I have influence. So this brings me to the first thing of understanding Paul and his road on the road tour is understanding your assignment and my friends and brothers and sisters, the most important thing that you need to get out of this message is understanding that you have an assignment over your life. The word assignment in the Greek is the word anto, which means to be recommended. And what if I were to tell you this morning that there are some things that God has allowed you to go through that he has recommended you for some of you feel as if you’re not qualified for it, but God told me to tell you because of the assignment and the mandate on your life, the Anto, it is recommended that you go through this.

Hallelujah, glory to God. James chapter one and verse three says, because the trying of your faith produces patience. But then he goes on to say, let patience have her perfect work that you would be whole and entire wanting nothing. Let me tell you today that you have to be in a place where your faith is beginning to produce something for you that only your faith can produce Somebody say perfect work, perfect work. I like how the Bible articulates the word patience in synonymous with the dichotomy of a woman because patience is synonymous with a woman. And you ladies can bear witness with me that most of us men, we suffer not having a lot of patience. That’s why we keep asking you, are you ready? Yet we don’t have a lot of patience, but ladies are graced with what’s called patience. Yeah, you know what I’m saying?

Because if you’re a mother, you can be feeding the baby while boiling some potatoes while ironing the clothes and vacuuming all at the same time. Somebody shout patience. That’s more than multitasking. That’s called patience. Somebody shall patience. So James says that the trying of your faith is producing something in you and Paul is letting us know that God is trying some things in you and through you, but it’s not going to leave you empty handed going to produce something called patience. And many of us, we are living our life, we’re living it without patience. But let me tell you today that if you let God be God for your life, you’re not going to leave this trial empty handed. You’re going to leave not only with power, you’re not going to leave with just victory, you’re going to leave with some patience. So Paul understands that it’s more than this following Christ, he understands his assignment.

Most specifically, Paul recognizes that he has what’s called a mandate over his life because when Paul was preaching he had a message. But when you have a mandate over your life, a message can be copied but a mandate cannot be duplicated. Lemme tell you that you got to move beyond a message and move toward a mandate. There is a mandate over your life that God is trying to get you to know and for you to know that you are called to prosper. Somebody shall mandate. There is a mandate over your life that you should be the head and not the tail. Somebody shall mandate. And a mandate is something that not only is done, but it’s something that comes to pass. A message comes and goes, but a message can be duplicated but a mandate cannot. We find now that Paul is on this ship because they didn’t like what he was doing, they put him in jail as a prisoner going from one place to another.

And Paul lets them know, he says The storm is so great and the winter is here and it’s not really a good season to step out and leave this place, but they said nevertheless, we’re going to go. Let me encourage you in this moment that some of you are in a place that you are not believing God to the totality that your faith is not elevated. But God told me to tell you this morning that if you just launch out, I know the circumstance don’t look like it’s going to manifest, but God told me to tell you it’s time for you to launch out. I know right now the economy is kind of shaky, but God told me to tell you now is the time to start that business. Hallelujah. Because there are people that are drawn to what’s inside of you. Somebody say, I got to launch out, launch out.

So Paul is on the ship along with other prisoners and they are going from this place to that place. They leave creek on the way to Rome and the Bibles begins to let us know that Paul on the ship, he’s in the uttermost parts of the ship and the only thing that Paul understands to do is his remembrance of what got him out of the jail situation. That was his prayer and fasting. The Bible begins to say that they begin to fast while they were on the ship. And let me tell you in this moment that there are times in your life that when things are a bit rocky and the season is not manifesting what it’s supposed to give and not giving what it’s supposed to give, there are some things that you got to understand that you got to do. And the Bible call it prayer and fasting.

He says, because there’s some things that only come by praying and fasting, you got to lay your plate down, you got to get off this telephone, you got to put social media down. There’s some people you even got to block and that’s fasting from them. Somebody shout, I got to pray and fast. So once I pray and fast, it allows my spiritual voice to be awakening. It allows my insight and my intellect to be free to hear what God has for me. And what Paul begins to understand that even though he’s in jail, even though he’s on the ship, he’s still on assignment. And that’s good news for you that even though you’ve been in a jail situation and even though you’ve had sickness and the doctor’s report has not been what you expected, that God still has an assignment for your life and you ought to give God praise in that moment that there is still an assignment for my life.

Even though things are not looking up, even though things are not manifesting, there are still an assignment for my life. I begin to look at Paul and begin to look at the anointing that God gave him. And let me tell you that each of you in this place and watching online, not only do you have an assignment, but you have an anointing. You want to know what the anointing is. Simply put, the anointing is burden removing it is joke destroying. It is the power of God. Let me repeat that again for you. The anointing for your life is burden removing it is joke destroying. It is the power of God. You have been given an anointing and the anointing that God has given you is burden removing. It is yoke destroying. It is the power of God. So when any burden wants to be on you, you need to harvest your anointing that when things are trying to lock you away and hold you captive and imprisonment in your mind, you have some yoke power destroying on the inside of you because why God has given you an anointing. Somebody shout, God gave me an anointing.

So your anointing is assigned to your assignment, your anointing is assigned to your assignment. And when people don’t understand your assignment, they won’t recognize your anointing. And that’s why people don’t really fool with you because it’s not that they don’t understand you, they’re trying to figure out your anointing. But baby, don’t try to figure me out. You need to get close to what God is doing in my life. Don’t try to figure my moves out. You need to get close to what God is doing for me. And baby, if you get close enough, not only will you get blessed, but this anointing will rub off on you. Who am I talking to in this place that you’re an atmosphere shifter and when you come into a place, everything just changes. That is the anointing of God on your life. Somebody say I’m an atmosphere shifter, so I got to understand and be comfortable with my anointing.

Don’t hate on me. I quit my job and start a business. You can too. I’m anointed for this. Don’t get mad at me. I filed for divorce and now I’m living my best life. I’ve been anointed for this season. I wish I had a church this morning that even in a place of turmoil, I’m still anointed because I’m on assignment and when things are not looking up, I’m still on assignment. And when all hell and high water is coming up against me, I’m still on assignment. And because I’m on assignment, I’m operating under my anointing. So I’m going to let you be miserable in your relationship while I’m over here operating under my anointing. I’m going to let you be unhappy on your job while I’m over here starting multiple streams of income. Somebody shout, I’m in my assignment. And when you are in your assignment, God will allow you to not only thrive but you’ll survive.

When you are in your assignment, not only will you thrive and survive, but now you have the power of reviving some things that the anointing in you has the God given power to revive a dead thing that you can speak to Elijah in a tomb and say, Elijah, come forth that you can speak to a dead thing and it shall live. Who am I talking to this morning that there are some dead situations that hallelujah, that you have allowed to die in your life and there are some that God gave you power to resurrect, but there’s some you need to go ahead and have the funeral for it right now.

I’m talking to somebody in this place because some of you are dealing with dead situations and the reason why you’re dealing with the dead situation because you ain’t had the funeral for it. But God told me to tell you that I’m going to have the funeral for this thing because once I put this thing in the ground, it’s never coming back again. Once I put this fear in the ground, it’s never coming back again. Once I bury this depression and anxiety, it is never going to come after me again. So baby, hallelujah. Come on and roll it up here. Let’s have the funeral for it. Let’s speak some scriptures over it because it’s not coming back. Look at your neighbor and say it’s not coming back. So I’ve got to operate under my anointing. Paul is on the ship now because he is on the ship.

He’s got all these people who are with him doing the same thing. And Paul is a type of Christ in this text because Paul is the one who is anointed for the storm. And what do you do if you’re the strong friend and everybody around? You can’t handle the storm, but God anointed you to be the one to be the strong person for your family. What did you do when God anointed you to be the strong one for the friendship circle? What do you do when everybody else is depending on you to be the strong person when you’re weak? But let me tell you that God says your weakness in your place of weakness there he is strong in your life. As a matter of fact, he said your strength is made perfect in your weakness, his strength. And so it’s okay to understand that you can’t be strong all the time.

I’ve learned in my latter years that being strong all the time is more of a facade than it is a help that it is okay for you to have some weak moments, but baby don’t stay there. If you got to go in your closet and lay down on the floor and cry without tissue, go ahead and do it. But you come out of that closet with your head hug high and say, I am the head and not the tell. It’s okay to sit on the throne, hallelujah and cry and reach over there and grab some tissue and wipe your eyes. But baby come out that toilet. Hallelujah. Giving God the praise. It’s okay to drive down the highway and don’t even want to go home. But baby lemme tell you that weeping may endure for night, but joy comes in the morning. Somebody say it’s okay to be weak. And that’s where many of us we fail in life because we’re trying to be too strong all the time. How can God get the glory if you don’t become weak?

I got this revelation. How can you get healing if you’re never sick? There are some things you got to just allow God to be God in your life and because you’re going through it. That’s the simple. Put that you’re going through it, that means I’ve been there. That’s the where for. It’s a conjunction between where I am and where I’m going. That where I am is not the end result of where God is taking me. Somebody shout where for where Paul is that strong friend and many of you are like Paul, that you’re the strong person for your family. You’re the strong person in your circle and that’s okay. And Paul was there on the ship because everybody on the ship had to realize what Paul was doing. He was praying, he was fasting. Paul was a strong one and there’s a Paul in you.

Let me declare and decree to you this morning, there’s a Paul in you that your family is depending on you and I know you’re weak and I know you’re tired of being everybody’s everything, but there’s appall in you because God has anointed you for this assignment. He won’t bring you something unless you can handle it. And I know you feel as if you can’t handle it. And I know you’re ready to throw in the towel, but let me tell you, God is for you and because he’s for you, it is more than the whole world against you. Somebody shout, there’s a Paul in me. Come on and people will be mad at you when you understand your anointing. But Paul’s assignment was connected to his anointing. His anointing was a transformational anointing. He was converted on the road to Damascus when he found God. And there’s a transformational anointing on you too.

There’s appalling you and lemme tell you that your assignment for your life and the anointing that’s called to your assignment is a revealer of what’s in you. Come on that you don’t find what’s in you until you find your anointing. You don’t find what’s in you until you begin to embark on your assignment. And so the prayer is, God, help me find my assignment so I can find my anointing. You may be the person that brings strategy to a thing. That’s your assignment. You may be the person that brings peace in the midst of chaos. That’s your anointing. You may be the one in your circle that brings innovation and ideas. Somebody shout, that’s my anointing. You might be like I said before, in the atmosphere shifter that is your anointing. And so God help me embrace my assignment. Many of us are not getting embraced because we have not embraced our assignment and we’re looking for embracing in the wrong place and we want people to embrace us.

We want people to love us and we want people to like us. But baby lemme tell you it’s not for them to love you or to like. You got to embrace your assignment. And once you start embracing it, God will embrace you. Come on. When you understand your assignment, you begin to move in the prosperity of it. You can’t be moved by the enemy’s assignment when you understand your assignment. You can’t be moved by the enemy’s assignment. The Bible says in John 10 that the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. But Jesus said, I come that you might have life and life more abundantly. And so when I’m operating under my assignment, I already know that the enemy is trying to steal from me. When I operating under my assignment, I know he’s trying to come against my mind, but I’m not going to be deterred by his assignment because I’m operating under my assignment.

Somebody said I got to stay focused on my assignment. I got to stay focused. So the reason why we are dealing with storms is because Paul has gone through one bad thing after another. Who am I talking to in this place of online that in your course of your life you’ve gone through one bad thing after another? I remember in our family’s life, my wife experienced death after death after death about 10 years, about 10 people. And we just needed a break. We needed a release and there comes a call, a cold call that says, Hey, I’ve got a job for you in Houston, Texas. And I look at my wife and I say, are we going to move? And she said, I don’t know. I don’t know. And God opens up a door. God gives me an interview. I blow it out the water.

I go home and say, let’s pray about it. She said, what are we praying for? God’s already moving. There’s some things that God told me to tell you this morning that God is about to open up doors that you don’t even got to pray about. I wish I had a church this morning. There are some things you ain’t got to waste your time praying about anymore because God is already opening up doors for you. God is already about to open up windows for you and pour you out blessing that you have not roomed up to receive. If you believe that, come shout, I receive it, I receive it. I get the call, I get the interview, I come back home and I say, baby, we got to pray about it. She said, fool, what are we praying for? God already opened up the door.

I had to have faith to walk into it. I had to have an Abrahamic faith that I was willing to leave my kindred in a place of comfortability and my comfort zone. Some of you need to get out that comfort zone and step out on God and watch God move for you. And let me tell you that only did he bless me, but he gave me double. And I’m not just talking about double for my trouble, but he doubled my salary. Hallelujah. Glory to God. And nine months later he doubled it again and a few months later he gave me a car with a gas card. I’m not bragging. I’m just testifying of the goodness of Jesus and all he did for me and the same God that did it for me, he can do it for you. Who am I talking to this morning that you say, God, I’m believe in you for a miracle where eyes have not seen and ears have not heard and neither into the heart of man what God has for me. Somebody says, I need a miracle. I need a miracle.

I need a miracle. And I’m not going to let my past comfort zone hold me back any longer because my comfort zone has become my prison and I’m here to tell the devil, notice that devil, you got to release this people. Hallelujah Lord to God. No longer shall we be held, bonded to a comfort zone. But I’m coming out, somebody shout. I’m coming out because of this anointing being yolk, destroying the power of God, burden removing it can’t hold me back any longer. I don’t know what’s holding you this morning and I can only see you in the spirit realm right now, but there are some things that have literally been holding you back from your promise. There have been some reservations you’ve had about starting that business. There have been some issues you’ve had with loving again, but God told me to tell you this morning that don’t let that hold you back because now your anointing is about to free you and your past trauma has to let you go. Hallelujah. The suffering you’ve been going through, it’s got to let you go. Hallelujah. The doubt and the poverty that’s been over your family’s life, it’s got to go. Somebody shout, it’s got to let it go. It’s got to let go. It’s got to let me go. It’s got to let me go.

God told me this. He said, son, when I release you and when you let it go, what was once handling you, you are now handling it. I’m going to say it again. When you learn to release what was holding you, what was holding you back, now you’re handling it. Depression used to hold you captive and call you to curl up as a fetal position in your bed. But once depression leaves you and now you hold on to it, you understand it’s never going to hit my body again. Hallelujah. That thing that used to hold you captive from stepping out on faith, now that you let it go and you’re set free, healed and delivered, now you’re holding onto it for it never to hold onto you again. Philippians chapter three and verse 12 says, now though I had already attained either were already made perfect, but I follow after this that I may apprehend that which was also apprehended for Christ.

He says, I cannot myself to be apprehended, but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind me and I press toward the mark of the high prize or the high calling in Christ Jesus. There are some things in order for you to operate under your anointing that you got to forget what’s behind you. You got to forget where you came from. Now Paul is in the ship. The Bible says that the storm is brewing and Paul is asleep. Isn’t that ironic? Paul is a type of Christ that there was another ship that Paul and the disciples were on and the storm was brewing and the storm was so high that Jesus was asleep. The Bible says that Paul is asleep on the ship and the Bible declares to us that an angel appeared unto Paul and begin to let him know that everything was going to be all right.

If God hasn’t said anything to you, don’t get scared about it, just get some rest. I don’t know what you’re going through this morning. I don’t know what the trauma has been in your life, but God told me, tell you, just get some rest. And I know you ain’t been sleeping well because it’s been on your mind. It’s been on your spirit. It’s been heavy on your heart. But God sent me this morning to encourage you to get some rest because hallelujah, he’s about to send angels with good news. He’s about to send you an angel with some good news to let you know that things are going to be okay. Hallelujah. That before you get home this morning, there’s some good news coming that before this broadcast is over, there’s going to be some good news coming. Hallelujah. Before you can get back to work on Monday, there is about to be some good news. Somebody shout, God, send me some good news.

What you’ve been hoping and praying for is about them coming to pass. Paul says, beloved, I’m telling you the storm is heavy. We’re going to survive this. Our angel came and told me, and even though we’ve been fasting and then praying, now we got to eat. Who eats in the middle of a chaos? God told me to tell you that some of y’all have lost your appetite, but the angel told Paul, it’s time to eat. And what if I were to tell you this morning that the angel is coming to give you an appetite for victory? Oh God, I felt that in my spirit that the angel is coming to give you what it feels like to have the taste for victory. Who is ready to taste victory. I can just taste it on the tip of my tongue with victory tastes like I could just taste victory in my family.

I can just taste victory in my finances. I can taste victory in my health. Somebody shout, I can taste it. I know you lost your appetite for your future, but you’re about to get your appetite back. I know you’ve lost your appetite as it pertains to relationship, but you’re about to get your appetite back. Somebody shout, I’m about to get my appetite. I know you’ve lost your appetite for the marriage, but God told me to tell you that reconciliation is about to feel your appetite. Now you’re about to eat it up as the young people say you ate that. Look at your neighbors, say you ate that. Hallelujah Lord to God. So once I understand my assignment, Paul is on the ship and now he’s on the ship and the ship is about to sink because of the waves and because of the chaos, Paul is now dealing with only something that God can do.

And many of you that are watching me this morning are dealing with things only God can do because you tried to fix it and you trying to fix it didn’t work. And let me tell you, you got to get to a place that you just let go literally and let God have his way. You get to a place where you put what you’ve been trying to do down and let God have his way in your life. And I know you’ve been robbing from Peter to pay Paul and that’s been sustaining you. But God told me to tell you if you just have faith and hold on and sow your faith, and those that sow in tears shall reap, enjoy. Who am I talking to this morning that you got to even sow in the midst of a chaos, you got to begin to sow in the midst of pain.

You got to sow in trauma because that sow in tears are going to reap in joy. And I know you’ve been crying and I know you’ve been dealing with some things, but God told me to tell you your tears about to grow you some victory. I’m talking to somebody in this church online this morning that you’ve been crying, but your tears have not been in vain. It’s about to grow a harvest. If you believe that come out as shout, I received my harvest. I receive my harvest of victory. I received my harvest, a breakthrough. Somebody shout, I’m about to get my harvest. So Paul now is on the ship and he tells them as they begin to throw off the grain, as they begin to throw things overboard, he says, don’t have a fate of heart because the angel told me we’re going to survive this. You got to understand that when you’re going through a storm, it’s important to not only understand your assignment and your anointing, you got to guard your response.

I’m going to say that again, that when you’re going through a storm, you can’t just know your assignment. You cannot just operate under your anointing. You’ve got to guard your response because your response should be driven based on what God said about the matter. I’m talking to somebody this morning. Your response should be predicated on what God said about the matter. And I know the matter doesn’t look good to you. I know the matter doesn’t feel good, but what did God say about the matter? God says, I’m the lender and not the borrower. What did God say about the matter? God says, I’m healed. Hallelujah. What did God say about the matter? Hallelujah. He said, I’m above and not beneath. Hallelujah. What did God say about the matter? I know everywhere around me looks like I’m not getting a breakthrough. He said, but I bless you in your coming and I bless you in your going.

Hallelujah. I bless you on the east. I bless you on the south, the west, hallelujah. And the north because promotion don’t come from the direction it comes from. God. Somebody shout promotion is about to hit my house. Oh God, because this is the month of power. Hallelujah. Somebody shall power. So Paul now understands that he’s on assignment, but he is guarding his response. And even though he’s a prisoner, he know that was a label, but that was not who he was. You got to watch out for people who label you because what they label you is not necessarily who you are. And I know I’m a pastor and I am, but I’m more than a pastor. Hallelujah. I’m a father. I’m a business owner, and I’m not going to let you dumb me down for who you want me to be. I’m going to be who God called me to be.

I’m going to be everything that God wants me to be and I’m not going to let you limit me and box me in to the confines of your comfort zone. The devil is a liar. I’m about to break out and have and be everything that God has ordained for me to be. Hallelujah. Somebody shout. I will be. So I got to understand that my response won’t be dictated by your perceived value of me. I can’t let my response be predicated on how you value me because everybody’s not going to put the same value on you like you do yourself. That’s why you got to understand that you’re valuable. And I don’t care what they say about you. I don’t know how they mishandle you, but you’re valuable in God’s eyes and it’s time you start acting like you valuable. Hallelujah. You ain’t no secondhand citizen. Hallelujah. You ain’t no clearance aisle person. You on top shelf. Who am I talking to this morning? Hallelujah. I’m talking about the kind that they got to put gloves on, baby. You better get some gloves to handle me because in my next season, hallelujah. Those who used to handle me wrong ain’t going to be able to handle me tomorrow. Hallelujah. Because God is elevating me. Who am I talking to this morning that the spirit of elevation is about to hit your how? Hallelujah. Glory.

Hallelujah. Hallelujah. I’m valuable because I’m valuable. I’m worth it. Matter of fact, I’ve been worth it. You just ain’t never figured it out. That’s why you’ve been sleeping on me. And as a matter of fact, let me tuck you in and let you keep sleeping because God’s got somebody that’s awake from me, that eyes have not seen, and ears have not heard. I’m about to walk into my blessed place. Somebody shout, I’m about to walk in it. Hallelujah. So it’s important not to respond to those who don’t understand your identity. I am who I am. I heard a good friend of mine, Bishop Ronell Relow, he said, when you’re confident in yourself, being necessary keeps you in demand over them being popular.

I’m going to say that for you again. When you’re confident in yourself, being necessary keeps you in demand than being popular. Some of you are trying to be popular, but I’d rather be in demand. And when I know who I am, that puts me in demand. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Because you can be popular today and not popular tomorrow, but when you’re in demand, you’re like Amazon. There’s a storm every corner. Hallelujah. There’s a truck coming down every neighborhood. Somebody shout, I am in demand and I know your business has been in slow, but God told me to prophesy to you that you’re about to be in demand. I know contracts have been slow coming to your hands, but God told me to tell you you are about to be in demand. I know your phone been dry, but God told me to prophesy to you. Hallelujah. That before this year is out, you’ll be married. I feel God in this moment.

So I understand that storms, the storms are not punishment. The storms are designed to get me where God wants me to go. But I got to guard my response to the storm. And some of you have been fighting your storms and God told me to tell you don’t fight your help. I know the storm has been raging in your life. You feel like you’re sinking, but don’t fight your help because this storm that you’re going through, this storm that you’ve been facing, God said if you pass this test, hallelujah, every other test is going to be easy. Hallelujah. If you pass this test every other test, hallelujah, you’re going to pass with flying colors. Somebody shout, God, help me to pass this test.

These storms are designed to help me break free from my limitations because your faith is not undermined by the storms. Your faith is verified by the storms. God sends storms in your life so your faith can be verified. That’s your blue check mark. I ain’t got to know what you’re wearing. I want to know where your faith is. Oh God, if I’m dating, yeah, you need the ABCs Apt. C A R J O B I need autumn ABCs. I need to know but connected to Autumn ABCs, I need to know where your faith is because if your faith ain’t where my faith is, then you ain’t in my season right now and I need to go onto somebody else that God has for me beyond the ABCs. I need to know where your faith is because if your faith ain’t seeing what I’m seeing in our future, then I got to find somebody who can see what I see because I’m believing God for the great who’s believing God for the great hallelujah. And as far time out for connecting and limiting myself down with people who don’t have faith on my level, I got to raise my faith to another level.

So watch this, your response becomes the credentials of your mastery of the storm. Your response will give you literally a PhD. Lemme tell you it is not a doctorate degree, but a PhD in the spirit realm is called pray heaven down. Hallelujah. Your response will begin to give you credentials that only God can give you. And while some of you feel as if you don’t have the pedigree of education, lemme tell you, you got a ba, you’re born again, hallelujah. And some of you a dd, a devil destroyer, look at your neighbor and say, I got some credentials behind my name. I’m just not ordinary. I’ve got something behind me. That’s what’s behind me is pushing me to my power. So I got to understand that the storms are designed to push me. Most specifically storms are temporary. Why are they temporary? Because every storm runs out of rain.

I’ve got to understand that the storm that God has for me is not going to be with me always. And I got to understand that God wants me to have rest in the midst of the storm. So Paul is asleep. The angel lets him know. He says, Paul, get rest because good news is coming. You’re going to make it, dude, y’all going to be safe. Y’all going to make it. But the people around him didn’t believe that. And you got to be in a place in your life where even though people around you may not believe the call, the anointing, the assignment on your life, if nobody else believes it, you got to believe it. If your family is not believing in you and you gave them the business plan that maybe your family is not the people that’s supposed to give you the seed money, but there are people that’s out there that’s going to believe in your assignment and because they believe in your assignment, they’re going to sow into your anointing. I’m talking to somebody this morning that you’ve been going to the wrong place to get what God has for you. And God told me to tell you that if you go and follow his plan, that the Bible declares that steps of a righteous man are ordered by God and God is trying to order you to the right place to be in the right place at the right time.

So Paul realizes that this storm is temporary and you must not let a temporary position force you to make quick decisions. Some of us, we miss our moment in God because we are so quick because of what we’re going through to make a not legitimate solution. And you got to watch that because a quick decision made in the wrong time can become a lifetime consequence. So I got to get into a place in my life that I realized the only thing that I have that has power in the midst of a storm is my voice. The only thing that has power in a storm is my voice. Jesus, when he was in the storm and the storm was so chaotic, the only thing he said, peace be still that there is a peace be still anointing over your voice and inside of you that literally you have the power and the ability to speak to a storm and command it to be at peace and the storm is at peace whether you’re at peace or not. You got to realize that even though I’m in the midst of a hurricane, and even though it’s blowing all around me, I’m at peace even though it’s not at peace.

Some of you are in a whirlwind right now, but God told me to tell you’re about to get peace. So I ask you this morning, what you speaking? What are you speaking over your life? Are you declaring that you’re going to make it? Are you declaring that I’m not going to be this way forever? Are you declaring that God didn’t design me to be single? Now some of you he did. Can we just be honest? But there are some of us who subscribe and are destined to have companionship and that’s okay. But what are you speaking over your life? Are you speaking that you’re going to be always on this nine to five or is that you’re going to let the spirit of entrepreneurship hit your life? Are you speaking that every time you go to the doctor and you get that report that you’re going to believe what they say? And yes, they are smart but they’re not God?

And are you going to believe that just because your credit has been a one 50 that is going to be there all your life? No, the devil is alive. That God’s going to elevate me. What are you speaking? Does a one 50 even exist? A one 50? Oh God, whose report will you believe? I’m going to believe the report of the Lord. Psalms one 19 to 71. It says It was good that I was afflicted so I can see the statutes of God. Some of you have been dealing with things and your affliction has become a statue and you’re looking at what you’ve been going through as a statue and your focus has been on that. And instead of understanding that God is trying to change your focus and you got to begin to understand that when God is changing your focus, he’s changing your power. And when he changes your power, he allows your anointing to be manifested in your life. Somebody shout, I need my anointing.

So watch this, because we don’t understand the storm, we fight the storm. And when you fight the storm and if you fight in water, you drown. So you got to be in a place where you let the storm be the storm and let you be. You and I have to be in a place that I divert myself from fighting the storm and I put my hands up and I say, God, I’m in this place of vulnerability and God, I’m reaching up to you who is the author and the finisher of my faith. And God, if I reach my hands to you, I know your hand is ready to pick me up. But the Bible says the Philippians chapter two and verse 14, do everything without grumbling and arguing so you become blameless and pure. And if I drink a drink offering poured out from the sacrifice and watch this and the service coming from your faith, I’m glad and will rejoice with you all.

God told me to tell you in this morning that you got to be in a place where you’re without grumbling and without arguing. So God can make you blameless and pure. The more you argue about it, the more you fight it, the less you’ll be blameless and pure. I got to close this thing out. So Paul is on the ship and the Bible says the storm is so boisterous and the angel gave them good news, but now they’re on a course of breaking the ship. The Bible says that that storm is beginning to attack the ship so much that they throw everything on board to the point that people are about to jump ship. And you got to understand that there are some people around you who are designed not to be around you, and that’s okay. Let them jump ship because Paul tells them, he says, beloved, you must not jump ship because God told me by the way of an angel, he says, unless I stay on the ship, everybody going to die.

Hallelujah. And you got to understand that there’s an anointing on your life over your bloodline, over your family that God has called you to save your whole family. Hallelujah. Am I talking to in this place this morning or online that you are embracing your anointing and you’re going to stay on the ship because because of you your whole family’s going to be saved. The Bible said that the ship was about to break and they begin to see what was called an island. And the island was vast approaching so fast and they couldn’t slow the ship down. They put all the anchors down and the Bible says that the anchors are down and the ship is being tossed because now it’s having a drag was called a drag. And the Bible says that they stay on the ship and Paul says we’re going to make it through it.

And the centurion who is guarding Paul says that I believe you Paul, but I got to watch you because you’re still a prisoner and you got to watch out for people who misdiagnosed your anointing even though they have labeled you a certain way. But you got to believe today that even though they misdiagnosed you, and even though you’re in a storm and even though you’re in a bad ship, that’s God still has his hand over your life. Who am I talking to this morning that you’ll agree with me that I thank God that your hand has been on my life? Yeah, your hand has been on my life even though I was raped, your hand has been over my life. Even though hallelujah, Lord to God, that car wreck should have killed me. But because of your hand on my life, I’m spared. Hallelujah. That gunshot, that blood, that bullet went through me, but you spared me because your hand was on my life.

Paul says, unless I stay on the ship, all of us are going to drown. You got to understand that sometimes what has been around you has to break so you can fully understand that the greatest treasure was not what they were throwing off. The greatest treasure was Paul. And you got to understand that you are the treasure. Somebody shall I am the treasure. Yeah, they didn’t believe it. Tell your neighbor, I am the treasure. Hallelujah. I am the treasure. And you got to be able and to be in a place to let go of the liabilities. You got to let them go. If they don’t believe in God’s plan for your life, let them go. If they don’t believe what God is taking you to let them go because it may be important to you, but it’s more important to God. Somebody sound is important to God.

So now we find here in the text that Paul is on the ship and because he’s on the ship, hallelujah. Glory to God that Paul is beginning to have a little fear because now that the ship is breaking up, I need you to walk with me as I close this thing out that because the ship is breaking up, the Bible begins to say that the ship was torn in pieces and Paul began even though he was about to drown, Paul said, Paul said, I tell you my brothers, that we are all going to get saved. I’m here to prophesy to everybody watching me and everybody listening to the sound of my voice that because we are all on the ship and because the anointing is burden removing and because the anointing is destroying and because the anointing is the power of God that God told me to tell you that his power is about to save your life.

His power is about to save your family. His power is about to give you prosperity. His power is about to give you victory. You got to understand my brothers, that God is growing you beyond where you are, but God is growing you where you’re headed. And I know you’re headed for shipwreck. Hallelujah. I know you’re headed. Hallelujah for your ship to be in pieces, but God told me to tell you you can’t survive on broken pieces. Hallelujah. The Bible said that the ship began to break and Paul told them, some of them swam to the shore and he said some of them got on boards, but Paul said some of y’all got on broken pieces. And what if I tell you this morning that you can survive on your broken pieces? I know you’ve had some hell in your life, but you can survive on broken pieces.

And I know anxiety has had its way in your life, but you can survive on broken pieces. Lean on your neighbor and say, I’m about to survive on broken pieces. Hallelujah. Somebody shout, I will make it. I will make it hallelujah because of God before me. It’s more than the whole world against me. I had to lose them so I could gain God. I had to lose it so God could give something else. I had to let it go so God could give me the victory I had to let lose my trauma so God could give me peace. Hallelujah. So now they’re jumping ship and the Bible says now that they are with Paul, and you got to understand in this place that loyalty is expensive and you got to begin to understand who’s around you that’s loyal to you because those that are not loyal to you, they will leave you high and dry.

But those who are loyal to you are going to stay on the ship with you. Do I have a witness in this place that you’ve had friends and you’ve had family members who stayed on the ship with you. You’ve had somebody that prayed with you at 2:00 AM and they answered their phone when other people hung up. Do I have a witness in this place that somebody stayed on the ship with you? Do I have a witness in this place that somebody prayed for you and had you on their mind and took the time to pray with you? Do I have a witness in this place that God sent me somebody that was for me and not somebody that was against me? Somebody shall God I receive it. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Verse 41, we find that the ship was run around the Bible said the front part of the ship hit the soil.

It was on an island called Malta. Watch this, the front part of the ship hit the soil and the Bible says that the ship, even though the first part of the ship hit the ground, the back part broke even though the first part hit the back broke. What if I were to tell you today that this impact of the storm that’s coming against you is not going to hurt the front of you. Hallelujah is going to hit and hurt what’s behind you And this time, hallelujah. God told me to tell you. I know you went through some public ordeals that everybody saw you go through, they saw your foreclosure, they saw your divorce, they saw the repo man come, but God told me to tell you after this storm, hallelujah. It’s not going to affect the front of you. It’s going to affect the behind you.

Let those things will be behind me, but I press toward the mark of the high calling which is in Christ Jesus. Somebody shout, it’s breaking behind me. It’s got to break. It’s got to break somebody. Shout no limits. And because it’s got to break, hallelujah. I’m not going to break down. I’m going to be in a breakthrough. Oh God, I feel God, I’m not going to break down. I’m going to get a breakthrough. Somebody shall breakthrough. I’m not going to break down hallelujah in the breakup. I’m not going to break down. I’m about to break out. I feel God, I’m not going to break down. I’m about to break fall. Somebody said I’m coming forth. So I understand that this storm is necessary. The storm is necessary for me to understand that this is a key to my victory. The Bible says that that some swam, some made it on boards and the rest on broken pieces. God wants to use the broken part of you to save you. And I know you’ve been holding on tight, but once you get to the island, once you get to the place of safety, you got to let what broke you go.

Speaker 3 (01:14:13):
You got to let it go. You got to let what broke you go. And Paul, in the midst of going through the storm, in the midst of being the strong friend, he still had faith for everybody. That’s you. You’re Paul. There’s people on your job that’s depending on you to be Paul because there’s anointing on your life. It just didn’t stop there. They get to this island, they’re wet. It’s winter, so they’re cold, they’re exhausted. And God sends people villagers from the island to give them food and water and a change of clothes. And the Bible says that Paul goes to get some sticks to make a fire.

And just after getting a breakthrough, the St. Paul that was once a persecutor, a bad man who now is living his best life, serving Christ, not without affliction, but he’s living his life and God continues to show him miracle signs and wonders and that should resonate with you that yeah, you’ve gone through, you’ve came out, you’ve gone through, you came out, and each time you don’t come out empty handed. That’s God’s divine order because that’s whatever a man sows shall he reap. And I told you that when you sow in tears, you’ll reap joy. So sometimes I don’t have to sow the same thing to get the same thing that God can sow. Allow me to sow my tears and I have a good thing. Paul grabs these sticks, begins to put them on the fire and the Bible says, a viper latches hold to him. You mean to tell me God, I just survived a storm where the ship that you designed for me to be on got me to my destination and now I’m faced with yet another ordeal. God says yes, but Paul in that moment of being bit didn’t fret, he didn’t pray. He didn’t go and ask for advice, advice from somebody. By that time he knew his assignment, he was aware of his response.

He had mastered his anointing that viper who was venomous. The only thing that Paul did, he shook it off. I’m here to tell you this morning that life is not empty of storms. And when storms come and the Bible says when the enemy brings the storm and when he comes in like a flood, it says that the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. What if I were to tell you in this moment that your standards are about to be lifted, what wants you to hurt you is not going to even affect you anymore? I wish I had somebody at this moment that last breakup sent you in a spiral of depression. But this one man, God, I thank you that you sent in my real bo ass.

I don’t have to search for them. Yeah, yeah, I know it hurt me to see people see me publicly humiliated, but this season that don’t even bother me because my standard is risen. I’ve learned to be a base, I’ve learned to be a bow and I’ve learned to be content in the state that I’m in. Paul is that example that we can be in a place that no matter the storm, we can survive. If you believe that, come on and stand to your feet. Our Father and our God, we thank you this morning for your grace.

It is sufficient for us. And God, we thank you for your loving kindness. We thank you kind Father for the spirit of grace of understanding our assignment. We thank you God for cultivating our anointing. We thank you, God for speaking to us and admonishing us to be mindful of our response and even when we are faced with a challenge that is resurfacing, God, we thank you that we can be like Paul and shake it off. We can shake off every weight and every sin that so easily besets us. God, we give you the glory. We give you the praise in Jesus’ name. Come on and give God praise all over the building. If you’re watching us, come on. Hallelujah.